A study of serologic relationships among non-cytopathogenic strains of bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease virus by reverse plaque technique.

Neutralizing antibody in serial serums from calves infected with non-cytopathogenic (NCP) strain no. 12 of bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease (BVD-MD) virus was comparatively titrated by the semi-micro reverse plaque formation (RPF) and the END methods. There was a tendency that the neutralizing antibody titer was estimated 8-fold higher in the semi-micro RPF method than in the END method. Antigenic relationships among 3-Japanese strains and 2 American strains were examined by the cross-neutralization and kinetic neutralization tests using the RPF technique. In corss-neutralization test, differences in antibody titers were not > 2-fold among 3 Japanese strains. However, there were 8-fold differences in some combinations of the Japanese and American strains. Kinetic neutralization test also demonstrated that 3 NCP strains of BVD-MD virus isolated in Japan were closely related. The American strains were antigenically distinct from 3 Japanese strains used in this study although some antigenic similarity was recognized in some combinations of the strains and the antisera. Moreover, these 2 American strains appeared to differ from one another slightly.