Chromosome cytological studies have been made on three transplanted interstitial-cell tumors of the testis, induced in (A/Sn × A.SW)F1 mice by estrogen treatment. All three tumors were estrogen-dependent and grew only in females and diethylstilbestrol-treated males, but not in untreated males. Two independent sublines were also examined, which could grow in untreated males and had been isolated from one dependent tumor line. All three dependent tumors were chromosomally changed with stem lines containing 53, 47, and 52 chromosomes, respectively. In addition, some tumors had secondary stem lines with 40 chromosomes, possibly representing myelopoietic cells. There was a considerable variability around the stemline number in all tumors, with a tendency to diminish on serial transplantation. No additional chromosomal changes could be detected in the transition of one dependent tumor line to autonomy. The occurrence of heteroploid modal numbers in the dependent tumors indicates that they consisted of genetically altered cells.