Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies Antenna Design for R Tokamak

The ion cyclotron range of frequencies antenna design for the R tokamak (a proposal by the Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University) is described. The design involves three types of antennas: a standard loop antenna, a panel heater antenna, and a waveguide antenna for ion Bernstein wave heating (IBWH). The standard loop antenna is made of aluminum alloy and has a simple structure because it has to be installed under radioactive conditions by deuterium-tritium neutrons. A new type of antenna called a panel heater antenna has been designed for high-power heating. It has a wide radiation area and is able to select a parallel wave number k. The feasibility of the waveguide antenna is also discussed in association with IBWH. The radiation from the aperture of the double ridge waveguide is estimated in a model experiment, where calculated surface plasma impedance is simulated by a dielectric load.