Long‐Evans and Sprague‐Dawley male rats were given liquid alcohol diets containing 35%, 17.5%, or 0% ethanol‐derived calories (EDC). The latter two groups were pair fed to the higher alcohol diet group. A fourth group received lab chow and water ad libitum to assess the role of paternal undernutrition associated with alcohol consumption. After three or four weeks of diet Consumption, these males were bred to females of the same strain. Pregnant females were divided into similarly treated alcohol groups and were fed these diets beginning on gestation Day 8, thus creating a factorial study with strain, paternal, and maternal alcohol consumption as main factors.Paternal alcohol consumption was associated with decreased litter size, decreased testosterone levels, and a strain‐related effect on offspring activity. Offspring activity decreased for those sired by 35% and 17.5% EDC Long‐Evans fathers. Activity also decreased for offspring sired by 17.5% EDC Sprague‐Dawley fathers but increased for those sired by 35% EDC fathers. Paternal alcohol consumption did not affect postnatal mortality or passive avoidance learning of offspring.Maternal alcohol consumption was associated with lower birth weights, lower offspring weights at weaning, increased postnatal mortality, and poorer passive avoidance learning. However, offspring activity was not affected.In a separate study, levels of alcohol in the testes were found to be somewhat, but not significantly, lower than blood alcohol levels. DNA taken from sperm of Long‐Evans males consuming alcohol, migrated farther under pulsed field electrophoresis than DNA from control fathers, suggestive of an alcohol‐related effect on sperm DNA.