Renormalization-group calculation of the color-Coulomb potential

We report here on the application of the perturbative renormalization-group to the Coulomb gauge in QCD. We use it to determine the high-momentum asymptotic form of the instantaneous color-Coulomb potential V(k) and of the vacuum polarization P(k,k4). These quantities are renormalization-group invariants in the sense that they are independent of the renormalization scheme. A scheme-independent definition of the running coupling constant is provided by k2V(k)=x0g2(k/ΛCoul), and of αsg2(k/ΛCoul)/4π, where x0=12N/(11N2Nf), and ΛCoul is a finite QCD mass scale. We also show how to calculate the coefficients in the expansion of the invariant β function β(g)|k|(g/|k|)=(b0g3+b1g5+b2g7+), where all coefficients are scheme independent.