Electrical, Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of the High-Tc Superconductor Ba2Nd1-xPrxO7-δ

Structure, resistivity and susceptibility have been studied in the Ba2Nd1-x Pr x Cu3O7-δ system. The samples with 0≤x≤1 have a single phase of the orthorhombic Ba2YCu3O7-δ structure. The T c decreases linearly with increasing x and superconductivity is not observed for the samples of x≥0.3. The valences of Nd and Pr ions in the samples were determined from the susceptibility measurement as Nd3+ and Pr4+, respectively. It is supposed naturally that the valence of Cu2 ions (Cu ions in the two-dimensional Cu–O plane) is affected strongly by the neighboring rare earth ions. The results show that the valence of Cu2 ions is significant for the superconductivity in the Ba2RECu3O7-δ system.