Rotations inβ-N215andβ-N214: Magnetic resonance comparison

Recent NMR experiments suggested that the rotations in the rotor solid β-N214 are different from those in β-N214, particularly at low temperatures. Specifically, the orientational average of P2(cosθ), p(3cos2θ1)2, was determined to be |p|0.1 in N215, while it is known that |p|103 in N214. This would be a surprising isotope effect. We have reexamined this issue by using the quadrupole splitting of dilute N214 in a β-N215 host as a sensitive probe of p. We find |p|103, just as in pure β-N214. We argue that this value applies to both isotopes in our isotopic mixtures. The second moment of the N215 resonance agrees reasonably with the intermolecular part of the Van Vleck second moment, indicating again that p is small in β-N215. We find no evidence that the rotations in β-N215 differ fromthose in β