An emended description of Entomophthora erupta and a description of Entomophthora helvetica sp. nov., fungi pathogenic to insects of the family Miridae, are given. Entomophthora erupta usually had 2–5 nuclei per conidium (mean diameter of 3.8 μm), colonized predominantly the abdomen of the host, and sporulated on the dorsal surface of the abdomen of the adult host, usually before death; E. helvetica usually had 8–13 nuclei per conidium (mean diameter of 1.6 μm), colonized the whole interior of the host, killed it in the nymphal stage before sporulation started, and sporulated on all parts of the cadaver. We advocate these features, including the pathobiological manifestations, as important taxonomic criteria at the infrageneric level of the genus Entomophthora sensu stricto.