Interpretation of the magnetic properties of pseudobinarySm2(Co,M)17compounds. II. Magnetization

The data available from paper I of this series offer the opportunity to ascertain the cause of the variations in both Sm3+ and transition-metal magnetic moments upon substitution of Co by Fe, Mn, and Cr in Sm2 Co17. The exchange- and crystal-field parameters derived from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy are used in the calculation of the Sm3+ ionic moment in fields of hexagonal symmetry. Both the moment reduction at O K and the change in the temperature at which the moment changes sign are found to agree well with the values observed experimentally. The Sm3+ ion changes to an L+S type ion at higher temperatures but not at absolute zero. The itinerant-electron moment varies in a manner indicative of electron donation to 3d band in the presence of virtual bound states. The Sm2 Co17 crystal structure becomes unstable at high 3d-electron concentrations.