An evaluation of techniques for measuring yield turgor in excised Salix leaves

The use of three techniques for determining yield turgor in excised Salix leaves was investigated. These were the osmotic‐solutions technique, the psychrometer technique, and the pressure‐chamber technique. The application of the osmotic‐solutions technique to a range of leaf types was discussed and the appropriate corrections for volume changes and the contribution of apoplastic water were detailed. It was concluded that the osmotic‐solutions technique is not satisfactory for use with slowly growing and/or very elastic leaves. The psychrometer and pressure‐chamber techniques were both simple compared with the osmotic‐solutions technique, and gave values for yield turgor in the range of 0·3–0·5 MPa. A disadvantage of the psychrometer technique for field applications is that it requires one psychrometer chamber per sample. The pressure‐chamber technique was modified for use as a field technique where multiple sampling could be easily and inexpensively achieved. Particular care was required with this technique to prevent water loss from the leaf during stress relaxation, but simple and effective procedures for doing so were found. The modified pressure‐chamber technique described here, is recommended as the preferred technique for measuring the yield turgor of leaves in experiments where many simultaneous estimates of yield turgor are to be made.