Generation of Self-Incompatible Arabidopsis thaliana by Transfer of Two S Locus Genes from A. lyrata

Transitions from cross-fertilizing to self-fertilizing mating systems have occurred frequently in natural and domesticated plant populations, but the underlying genetic causes are unknown. We show that gene transfer of the stigma receptor kinase SRK and its pollen-borne ligand SCR from one S- locus haplotype of the self-incompatible and cross-fertilizing Arabidopsis lyrata is sufficient to impart self-incompatibility phenotype in self-fertile Arabidopsis thaliana , which lacks functional orthologs of these genes. This successful complementation demonstrates that the signaling cascade leading to inhibition of self-related pollen was maintained in A. thaliana. Analysis of self-incompatibility will be facilitated by the tools available in this species.