Longshore Transport Determined by an Efficient Trap

The Nearshore Sediment Transport Study (NSTS), sponsored by the National Sea Grant Office included a field component to quantify the total longshore sediment transport relationship. This component was conducted at Santa Barbara, California and encompassed a period of eighteen months during which ten surveys were conducted. To date, eight of these surveys have been analyzed, yielding seven intersurvey periods. A total of 288,600 m3 of net sediment transport was documented by these eight surveys. The wave characteristics are based on one of two Sxy gages located in a water depth of 7 m. The most widely used correlation constant, K, in the relationship I = KPℓs is 0.77. The values found from the data were 0.93 and 1.23 for linear and log best-fit values, respectively. The corresponding values of K* relating I and Sxy are 2.60 and 2.63 m/s, respectively.

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