The interlaboratory variation of leukocyte differential counts in the Finnish proficiency testing program in hematological morphology was presented. During 1974-1977 24 different [human] blood smears without leukocytosis or abnormal leukocytes were examined by the participants. During this period 206 laboratories participated in the voluntary program. The interlaboratory variation of leukocyte differential counts was analyzed for band neutrophils, segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. Except for band neutrophils and monocytes, the observed variations closely matched the known random sampling variation which was inherent in the method for estimating the proportions of the various leukocytes of peripheral blood. The results apparently point to variations in the definitions to differentiate band vs. segmented neutrophils and monocytes vs. lymphocytes. Interlaboratory proficiency testing is considered to offer an effective means to investigate the quality of morphologic analyses as practiced on a day to day basis in the participating laboratories.

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