Electron Microscopy of the Infection and Subsequent Development of Soybean Nodule Cells

Goodchild , D. J. (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Canberra, Australia), and F. J. Bergersen . Electron microscopy of the infection and subsequent development of soybean nodule cells. J. Bacteriol. 92: 204–213. 1966—Electron microscopy of thin sections of the developing central tissue cells of young soybean root nodules has shown that infection is initiated by a few infection threads which penetrate cells of the young central tissue. Extension growth of the threads may be a result of pressure developed from the growth of the bacteria within the threads. Release of bacteria from a thread is preceded by the development on an infection thread of a bulge with a cellulose-free membrane-bounded extension; bacteria move from this into the host cells by an endocytotic process and remain enclosed in an infection vacuole which is bounded by a membrane of host-cell origin. Multiplication of the intracellular bacteria takes place within these vacuoles. Until the host cell becomes filled with bacteria, the vacuoles separate into discrete units at each division. Later, division of the bacteria occurs within each vacuole, thus leading to the mature structure of the central tissue cells in which several bacteria are enclosed within each membrane-bounded unit.