Electron correlation effects on transition probabilities of LaCl3: Pr3+

Corrections to the forced dipole transition probabilities between states of the 4fN configuration of Pr3+, which are due to several classes of effective operators representing correlation effects, are evaluated for the LaCl3 : Pr3+ system. The transitions 3 H 43 F 4, 1 G 4, 3 F 3, 3 H 5 and 3 P 03 F 4, 3 H 4, 3 F 3 and 3 H 5 are considered. The effective operators corresponding to the most significant pairs of intermediate configurations are taken into account. The correlation effects modify the results of the Judd-Ofelt theory by tenths of a per cent. Correlation effects may also be responsible for the 3 P 03 F 3, 3 H 5 transitions which are forbidden within the standard Judd-Ofelt theory.