Contact Analysis of Non-Gaussian Surfaces for Minimum Static and Kinetic Friction and Wear

Most statistical contact analyses assume that surface heights and peak (summit) height distributions follow a Gaussian distribution. However, engineering surfaces are frequently non-Gaussian with a degree of non-Gaussian character dependent upon materials and surface finishing processes used. For example, magnetic rigid disk surfaces used in magnetic storage industry are highly non Gaussian. The use of a Gaussian analysis in such cases can lead to erroneous results. This study for the first time presents a method to carry out a statistical analysis of non-Gaussian surfaces. Real area of contact, number of contacts, contact pressure and meniscus force (in wet interfaces) are calculated for probability density functions having different skewness and kurtosis. From these curves, the optimum value of skewness and kurtosis can be predicted for minimum static/kinetic friction. It is found that a range of positive skewness (between 0.3–0.7) and a high kurtosis (greater than five) significantly lower the real area of contact and meniscus contribution implying low friction and wear. Also, sensitivity of film thickness to static friction goes down for a surface with a positive skewness and a high kurtosis.