Deuteron-Proton Scattering at 10.0 Mev by a Coincidence Method

A description is given of a scattering chamber possessing several novel features. This chamber was applied to the determination of absolute cross sections for elastic scattering of 10.0-Mev deuterons by protons, over a range of angles from 45° to 160° in the center-of-mass system. Two independently movable proportional counters were connected in coincidence and set at appropriate angles with respect to the incident beam so that coincidences were recorded between deuterons entering one counter and their recoil protons entering the other. The advantages and disadvantages of this system are made clear. The scattering media were thin Nylon and polyethylene-terephthalate foils. The relative cross sections reported here are believed to be accurate to ±3.5 percent and the absolute values to ±5 percent. Some comparison is made with the mhbw theory of Buckingham and Massey. Agreement is excellent over a considerable range of angles; but the theoretical curve is shallower than the experimental, and considerable anomaly appears at large angles. The experimental curve rises very steeply beyond about 120° in the center-of-mass system.

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