Independent isomeric yield ratios and primary angular momenta in the photofission ofU235,238with 12-30-MeV bremsstrahlung

The independent isomeric yield ratios for Sn129, Sb130, Sn131, Sb132, Te133, and I136 for the photofission of U235 with 12-30-MeV bremsstrahlung and for Sb126, Sn129, Sb130, Sn131, Sb132, Te133, and I136 for the photofission of U238 have been determined using radiochemical techniques and gamma spectrometry of fission product catcher foils and irradiated uranium samples. The root-mean-square values of the primary angular momenta of the corresponding fission fragments, Jrms, were calculated with the statistical procedure of Huizenga and Vandenbosch and with the more elaborate deexcitation model of Min and Martinot. Both procedures gave, except for Sb130, almost the same Jrms values. Our experimental results show a near independency of Jrms on the spin and excitation energy of the compound nucleus. An increase of the Jrms values with the excitation energy of the fragments is observed. In addition, a significant proton odd-even effect on the Jrms values is present for the photofission of U235 as well as U238. Our experimental photofission results show a qualitative agreement with the theoretical calculations of Dietrich and Zielinska-Pfabé.