A close examination of reports on circling mutants of the mouse suggested that the commonly held view that the abnormalities of the inner ear are responsible for the waltzing syndrome was probably without foundation. It was thought that a study of kinky (Fuki/+) mice might resolve the doubt, because this mutant has the widest range of abnormalities of the inner ear and behaviour. The results showed that correlation between the two types of abnormalities, although high, was far from complete. This is interpreted as signifying that they are related collaterally rather than lineally. It is argued that they both originate in some primary abnormality of the central nervous system, and circumstantial evidence is presented in support of this argument. It is further suggested that the mode of gene action is essentially similar in all circling mutants, that is the abnormalities of the inner ear are consequent on some early abnormality of the neural tube and the ganglia in the region of the otic vesicle.