Picosecond radiationless electronic relaxation of theGa0(1) andIn0(1) defects in KCl

The relaxation behavior of the third excited (Σ) state of the Ga0(1) and In0(1) defects in KCl, which possess the laser-active type of structure, has been investigated with picosecond (ps) optical pulses. With a pump-probe technique based on a pair of synchronously pumped Rhodamine 6G dye lasers and a double-modulation detection scheme, a subnanosecond recovery was measured of the ground-state population of Ga0(1) and In0(1) after excitation in their third optical transition [OT(3)] at about 615 nm. The relaxation times at 7 K are 260±15 ps and 90±15 ps for Ga0(1) and In0(1), respectively. For the Ga0(1) defect an Arrhenius fit of the temperature dependence of the decay time between 50 and 150 K yields an activation energy of 60±10 cm1. It is argued that this radiationless electronic deexcitation between the Σ and the ground state is promoted by a low-frequency vibration of the M0 atom along the 〈100〉 defect axis. A similar mode is observed by means of resonant Raman measurements at 59 cm1 in the Ga0(1) ground-state spectrum. In contrast, configurational relaxation within the Σ state probably takes place through emission of defect-perturbed lattice modes, as was earlier demonstrated for the FA(Li+) center in its lowest excited state.