
The classification of porokeratosis has been presented in different ways1-4 and sometimes lesion types have been intermixed with clinical syndromes.1 Four, and possibly six, types can be distinguished as follows: (1) The rare classic porokeratosis (CP), described in 1893,5,6 usually appears at an early age, and lesions can appear in all areas of skin and mucous membranes. Mibelli5 described single or a few lesions that were very prominent, and Respighi6 and, subsequently, others7-9 described many lesions of minimal form and often not prominent. (2) In 1966, a more common form was recognized by Chernosky,10 and in the following year it was designated "disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis" (DSAP),11 because it presented usually during the third or fourth decade of life, as multiple minimal superficial lesions limited to exposed areas of sun-damaged skin. (3) In 1971, Guss et al12 described "porokeratosis palmaris et