The distribution and formative processes of latent-heat polynyas in East Antarctica

A study of polynya characteristics in East Antarctica was undertaken using ice concentrations derived from special sensor microwave/imager data for the period July 1987-August 1994. The areas of polynyas were defined as having an ice concentration ≤75%. The analysis revealed a total of 28 coastal polynyas within the study region. The spatial and temporal variability in areal extent was quantified. The timing of mean maximum areal extent varied from June to October. The bathymetry and wind regime at each polynya site was examined to gauge the relative importance of these parameters in polynya formation and maintenance. In 20 locations, shallow banks and shoals form grounding zones for icebergs and anchoring sites for fast ice, which form barriers to the predominantly westward drift of the pack ice; elsewhere north-south coastal protrusions or alignments form similar barriers. The subsequent removal of newly formed sea ice from the lee of such barriers by katabatic and synoptic winds maintains areas of reduced ice concentration and open water. Very few coastal polynyas are attributed solely to katabatic outflow. The combined influence of bathymetry, topography and winds is responsible for the characteristics of the majority of polynyas. Many were considered to be marginal, characterised by occasional periods when the ice concentration falls below 75%. An analysis of annual winter totals of areas with ice concentrations < 75% shows no trends in total polynya areal extent over the period 1987-94. Known locations of emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) rookeries were also found to be associated with the locations of coastal polynyas.