Fetal mortality in sibships with one or more affected members with oral clefts

We investigated the fetal mortality in 903 sibships with at least one member having cleft lip with or without cleft palate [CL(P)] and 213 with at least one individual affected with cleft palate (CP) derived from three different data sources in México. The frequency of fetal wastage (abortion and/or Stillbirth) was not increased in sibships where the propositi had cleft lip and palate (CLP) as compared with cleft lip (CL) nor in those where index cases had a bilateral lesion as compared to a unilateral one, nor when the index cases with CL(P) were female rather than males, nor when the index case was a female with bilateral lesion as compared to males with a unilateral one. Similarly fetal mortality was not increased in sibships in which the propositus had CP compared to those in which the index case was a female. These findings are contrary to some reports that claim to support a twothreshold model according to which individuals reaching the first one would be born with an oral cleft, and those reaching the second would be aborted. Our results, together with others, suggest the possibility that liability to oral clefts is independent of liability to fetal wastage.