Gorse: A subject for biological control in New Zealand

Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) is a major weed of agriculture and forestry in New Zealand, particularly in low fertility hill country soils where it competes effectively with newly planted trees and sown pasture, and forms extensive tracts of impenetrable scrub if left unchecked. Levels of natural control are negligible, and as the New Zealand climate is very favourable to its growth gorse grows larger and spreads more vigorously than in its native range of coastal and southern Europe. The introduced gorse seed weevil, Apion ulicis Forst., did not control the spread of gorse, but it established very successfully. Suggesting that further introductions may also establish well. Entomology Division, DSIR, is renewing its investigation of the biological control of gorse by introduced organisms. A stem boring weevil, Apion scutellare Kirby, and a leaf feeding moth, Agonopterix ulicetella (Stnt.) are being studied for possible introduction. Although control organisms are unlikely to eliminate gorse, they may restrict gorse vigour to a state more like that observed in most of its native range where it is part of the natural succession, but not a serious weed.