Changes of Collagen Content in Skin, Femur and Uterus of 17β-Estradiol Benzoate-Treated Rats

The collagen concentration and the total amount of collagen per tissue were determined in the uterus, skin and femurs of intact female rats and in the skin and femurs of intact male rats which had received specific quantities of 17[beta]-estradiol benzoate for 14 days (1.8, 3.6 and 14 [mu]g/100 g body wt daily and 50 and 100 [mu]g/100 g body wt every 2nd day) and in similar untreated male and female animals. In the estradiol benzoate-treated rats, the collagen from the 3 tissues showed contrasting changes. Although the mg of collagen/uterus of the rats treated with 1. 8, 3.6 and 14 [mu]g of estradiol benzoate/100 g body wt daily were increased significantly (p<0.01, 0.01, 0.05), the per cent collagen in the dry fat-free uterus was decreased in each group of steroid-treated animals (decrease significant at p <0.05 for 1.8 [mu]g/100 g body wt. daily and p< 0.01 for other dosages). A significant decrease (p< 0.05, 0.01, 0.05, 0.05) in g of collagen/total skin was observed with female rats at estradiol benzoate dosages of 1.8 and 14 [mu]g/100 g body wt daily and 50 and 100 [mu]g/100 g body wt every 2nd day. The g of collagen/total skin of the estradiol-treated male rats was significantly decreased (p<0.01 and 0.05 at certain dosages) with 3.6 [mu]g/100 g body wt and larger amounts of the steroid daily for 14 days. In the female rats the per cent collagen in the dry fat-free skin was significantly greater (p< 0.01) at the 2 highest dosage levels and in the male animals the per cent collagen was increased significantly (p<0.01) in the dry fat-free skin of the animals which received estradiol injections of 1.8 [mu]g/100 g body wt daily and 50 and 100 [mu]g/100 g body wt every 2nd day. In the female rats, the mg of collagen/femur were increased significantly (p<0.05, 0.01, 0.05) with steroid dosages of 1.8 and 14 [mu]g/100 g body wt daily and 100 [mu]g/100 g body wt every 2nd day, respectively. Increases in mg of collagen/femur of male rats were significant (p<0.05) when 1.8, 3.6 and 14 [mu]g/100 g body wt of the steroid were administered daily. The per cent collagen in the dry fat-free femurs was increased significantly (p<0.01) in the female rats which received the 3 highest quantities of estradiol benzoate and in the male rats at steroid dosages of 3.6 and 14 [mu]g/100 g body wt daily and 100 [mu]g/110 g body wt every 2nd day.