Olivary afferents from the pretectal nuclei in the cat

The organization of the projection from the pretectal region to the inferior olive in the cat was studied by means of retrograde protein tracing and experimental degeneration. Small injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were made into various parts of the inferior olive from a ventral approach. The number of nerve cells in the pretectal nuclei retrogradely labelled with HRP was counted and put in relation to the site of injection. Labelled cells were only found in the posterior pretectal nucleus (NPP), the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) and the anterior pretectal nucleus (NPA). Most labelled cells were found in NPP and NOT in cases in which the rostral or caudal levels of the principal olive were labelled by the injection. NAP labelling occurred in one case with a very rostral injection of the inferior olive. Unilateral electrolytical destruction of the pretectal region produced terminal degeneration in the ipsilateral inferior olive. The heaviest ipsilateral degeneration was found in the upper half of the principal and dorsal accessory olives, and caudally in the ventrolateral outgrowth, the dorsal cap and nucleus β with the adjacent part of the medial accessory olive. Some functional implications of the findings are discussed.