Phenacetin, through the looking glass

World literature on renal damage whieh has been attributed to phenacetin is reviewed and evaluated, together with ineidental effeets of the drug on other organ systems. Renal damage due to single drugs is found to be a rarity, and epidemiologieal, pathologieal, and elinieal data are often inadequate to provide a firm basis for the eoneept of "phenaeetin nephropathy." Partieular note is made of possible toxieity of other eommon eonstituents of analgesie mixtures and the meehanisms of renal damage. Animal experimental data is eollated and eompared, and the inadequaey of mueh experimental work is noted. More work, partieularly in the field of epidemiology, and further investigation of individual variation in metabolizing phenaeetin and other eommonly used analgesies are required. A note on existing legislation with regard to phenaeetin‐eontaining analgesies eoncludes the review.

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