Epinasty of Poinsettias—the Role of Auxin and Ethylene

Upward physical restraint of the normally horizontal bracts of poinsettia (E. pulcherrima Willd.) resulted in increased ethylene production and epinastic curvature of the petioles after 5 days. Downward restraint caused little change in ethylene production or epinasty, indicating that the enhanced ethylene production observed in petioles bent upwards is not due to the bending stress alone. Epinasty, measured upon removal of upward physical restraint, was not affected by spraying plants with aminoxyacetic acid to reduce ethylene production or with silver thiosulfate to prevent ethylene action. Removal of the bract blades prevented the epinastic response of the petiole and the response was restored by applying IAA to the cut petiole end. Redistribution of auxin appears to be responsible for both the epinasty and the increased ethylene production of reoriented poinsettia bracts.