Effect of Inversion on Growth and Movement of Indole-3-acetic Acid in Coleoptiles

The effect of a 180[degree] displacement from the normal vertical orientation on longitudinal growth and on the acropetal and basipetal movement of C14-IAA was investigated in Avena sativa L. and Zea mays L. coleoptile sections. Inversion inhibits growth in intact sections (apex not removed) and in decapitated sections supplied apically with donor blocks containing auxin. Under aerobic conditions, inversion inhibits basipetal auxin movement and promotes acropetal auxin movement, whereas under anaerobic conditions, it does not influence the movement of auxin in either direction. Inversion retards the basipetal movement of the peak of a 30-minute pulse of auxin in corn. The inversion-induced inhibition of basipetal auxin movement is not explained by an effect of gravity on production, uptake, destruction, exit from sections, retention in tissue, or purely physical movement of auxin. It is concluded that inversion inhibits basipetal transport, the component of auxin movement that is metabolically dependent, and as a result inhibits growth and promotes acropetal auxin movement.