Levels of odd-mass Xe populated in the beta decay ofCs129, andI133

The decay schemes of Cs129 and I133 have been studied in order to extend the detailed level properties of odd-mass Xe. For Cs129, decay levels in Xe129 are identified at (Jπ values in parentheses) ground state ((12+)), 39.57 (32+), 236.14 (112), (32+), 321.70 (52+), 411.49 (12+), 572.67 (52+), 588.55 (32+), 624.32 (72+), 904.31 (12+), and 946.03 keV ((32+)); for I133, decay levels in Xe133 are identified at ground state ((32+)), 233.22 (112), 262.70 (12+), 529.87 (52+), 680.24 (32+),