Nutritional Evaluation of Lentil (Lens esculenta) as Protein Supplement for Wheat Protein

The supplementary effect of cooked lentil on the protein quality of wheat at 10% dietary protein level in weanling rats was studied. In the supplemented diet wheat supplied 75, 50 and 25% protein while the rest was provided by lentil protein. The PER [protein efficiency ratio], NPU [net protein utilization], BV [biological value] and NDpCal% [net dietary protein calorie percent] of supplemented diets varied between 1.9-2.7%, 51-66%, 59-79% and 5.5-7.3%, respectively. Highest protein quality was obtained when 50% of the protein of the diet was derived from each of the components. This mixture had BV of 79.0% and was higher (41%) than wheat (56.0%) and lentil (55.0%) when each fed alone. TD [true protein digestibility] of wheat protein was not affected by supplementation. NDpCal% values indicate that supplemented diets can meet the protein requirement of children and adults.

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