Haematozoa of marine fishes from the northern Gulf of Mexico

Blood samples from 961 estuarine and marine fish comprising 44 species from the northern Gulf of Mexico were examined for haematozoa. Trypanosoma mugilicola n. sp., characterized by an anteriorly situated nucleus (NI = 3.8), is described from the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus); it was also found in the hog‐choker (Trinectes maculatus). Unidentified trypanosomes occurred in the hogchoker and bay whiff (Citharichthys spilopterus). Trypanoplasma bullocki is recorded for the first time from both the Gulf of Mexico, and from the southern flounder (Para‐lichthys lethostigma) and Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus). Three species of haemogregarines are identified for the first time from the Gulf of Mexico, Haemo‐gregarina platessae in the southern flounder, hogchoker, lined sole (Achirus lineatus) and blackcheek tonguefish (Symphurus plagiusa); H. mugili in the striped mullet; and H. delagei in the clearnose skate (Raja eglantera). A few piscivorous leeches from the region are evaluated as potential vectors.