Extensive new data on the bound even-parity spectrum of neutral barium have been provided recently by two-step optogalvanic spectroscopy. Highly excited members of the Rydberg series 6snsS13, 6sndD13, D33, and 6sng as well as perturbing levels of these series belonging to 5dnd configurations have been observed. By means of multichannel quantumdefect theory (MQDT), we have performed the analysis of all available energy data relevant to the J=1,3,4,5 even-parity bound spectra of barium. The behavior of 6snsS13, 6sndD13, D33 series perturbed by levels pertaining to the 5dns (n=7,8) and 5dnd (n=6,7) configurations is clearly interpreted. The MQDT analyses of J=1 and 3 spectra complementary to that previously performed on the J=2 spectrum offer the possibility of studying the anomalous fine structures of highly excited 6snd configurations. The MQDT analyses of J=35 spectra explain the observed energies of 6sngG3,4,53 and G41 Rydberg levels; the fine structures of the 6sng series are only partially resolved in the vicinity of 5d7d J=3 to 5 perturbing levels. Since the J=0 and J=2 bound even-parity spectra of Ba have already been analyzed by MQDT, we have now a full MQDT description of the bound even-parity spectrum for J values ranging from 0 to 5.