Characterization of antisera to glutamate and aspartate.

Antisera were raised in rabbits against glutamate (Glu) and aspartate (Asp) conjugated to the invertebrate carrier protein hemocyanin (HC) with glutaraldehyde (GA). The antisera were characterized by testing their immunocytochemical staining properties on sections cut at the level of the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) from fixed brains of normal rats after absorption with conjugates of compounds structurally similar and biologically relevant to Glu and Asp. Optimal staining with Glu antiserum was obtained at a dilution of 1:10,000 and was completely blocked by 303 micrograms/ml of the Glu-HC conjugate. No crossreactivity with any of 11 compounds tested was observed. Optimal staining with the Asp antiserum was obtained at 1:8000 dilution and was completely blocked by 225 micrograms/ml of the Asp-HC conjugate. Of 10 compounds tested for crossreactivity, only L-asparagine demonstrated a measurable (about 10%) crossreactivity with the Asp antiserum. The specificity of the two antisera was also tested by immunoblot analysis against 11 compounds conjugated to HC with GA. Listed in order of staining intensity, from greatest to least, conjugates that reacted with the Glu antiserum were Glu greater than Gly-Glu greater than Asp-Glu = Asp greater than N-carbamyl (NC)-Glu greater than Asn = Gln = GABA. Conjugates that reacted with the Asp antiserum, in order of decreasing staining intensity, were Asp greater than Glu-Asp = Asn greater than Gly-Asp greater than Glu. No other compounds tested for crossreactivity reacted with the two antisera in the immunoblot analysis. Glu-like immunoreactivity in rat dorsal root ganglia and somatosensory cortex, and the comparative distribution of Glu- and Asp-like immunoreactivities in the latter tissue, are presented as examples of staining patterns obtained with the two antisera.