Measurements of small angle elasticp-d scattering at 796 MeV using a recoil method

The energy spectra of deuterons recoiling from a deuterium gas target bombarded by transversely polarized 796-MeV protons have been measured to obtain the differential cross sections, dσdt, and analyzing powers, Ay(t), for p-d elastic scattering over a range of laboratory angles from 4.53° to 13.02°, corresponding to a range of four-momentum transfer squared, |t|, from 0.013 to 0.108 GeV2/c2. Employing several sets of nucleon-nucleon, N-N, amplitudes obtained from N-N phase shift analyses, comparisons are made between the experimental data and the predictions of a multiple scattering theory. In this region of four-momentum transfer, Ay is shown to depend almost entirely on the spin-independent and spin-orbit N-N amplitudes.