E0decay of the first excited0+states inMg26andSi30

A new method was used to measure E0 π-decay branching ratios. A plastic scintillator pair spectrometer of high efficiency (3%) was used. It consists of four detectors. Two of them, very thin, select the electrons; the other two, thick, help to measure their energies. An annular counter (Ω=0.10 sr), working in coincidence with the spectrometer, allows the selection of the π decay relevant to the 0+ excited state and the determination of its population yield. The reactions Na23(α,p)Mg26(3.58 MeV)(π) and Al27(α,p)Si30(3.79 MeV)(π) have been used to study the E0 π decay of the first excited 0+ state in Mg26 and Si30. Pair spectra from the spectrometer were recorded in coincidence with protons in two-dimensional arrays. From the coincidence spectra the values for ΓπΓ are found to be (5.1 ± 0.7) × 103 and (2.6 ± 0.6) × 103, respectively, for Mg26(3.58 MeV) and Si30(3.79 MeV). When combined with the available lifetimes of these states, these ratios yield Mπ=(3.0±0.25) fm2 (Mg26 and (1.4 ± 0.2) fm2 (Si30) for the monopole matrix elements.