Two-day old corpora lutea removed from donor rabbits and transplanted beneath the kidney capsule of estrous rabbits survived and became functional, as shown by luteal histology and endometrial proliferation. Their survival was dependent upon climatic conditions as they failed to become functional if transferred during the winter months, unless the room temperature was artifically maintained at 64-70 F. The corpora lutea and the endometrial proliferation both regressed, if, 7 days after successful transfer, either the ovaries were removed or the follicles cauterized. When 1[mu]g estradiol-17[beta] was given daily after either of these procedures the corpora lutea remained functional. Corpora lutea also became functional when transferred into chronically ovariectomized rabbits maintained on estrogen. Follicular maturation and atresia were seen to continue after luteal transfer. The follicles are, thus, necessary for luteal maintenance in the rabbit'', they, rather than the interstitial cells,''secrete the estrogen necessary for this maintenance.