Magnetic phase diagram of hexagonal FeGe determined by neutron diffraction

The magnetic phase diagram of the hexagonal polymorph of FeGe has been determined by means of neutron diffraction on a single crystal at low temperature and for magnetic fields applied perpendicular to the c axis. Between 410 and approximately 60 K the magnetic order is c-axis collinear antiferromagnetic. In zero magnetic field the structure changes to a c-axis double cone antiferromagnetic structure at approximately 60 K. In a magnetic field of 9.4 T, applied perpendicular to the c axis, the corresponding transition is observed at approximately 43 K. At 30 K (25 K in an applied field B1 of 9.4 T) another phase transition is observed which displays itself by a kink in the temperature of the conc half angle. The interlayer turn angle is almost independent of temperature and applied field. At 4.2 K an anomalous decrease of the basal plane component is observed at a critical field Bcl-1.4 T (B perpendicular to c) and at a second critical field B'c perpendicular to =4.8 T another transition is observed. The critical fields Bc perpendicular to and B'c perpendicular to and B'c perpendicular to and the anomaly at Bc perpendicular to decrease as the temperature is increased and above 30 K no field-induced transitions (B perpendicular to c) are observed. The cone structure is found to persist up to at least 9.4 T, which was the upper limit of the applied field. Results from previously published macroscopic data (e.g. magnetisation, magnetoresistance, torsion and susceptibility data) are discussed and related to the neutron diffraction data.

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