We consider the integrable SU(N)-invariant Heisenberg model in one dimension with degrees of freedom in the symmetric rank-m tensor representation. It is shown that for antiferromagnetic coupling the zero-temperature susceptibility to an arbitrary field breaking the SU(N) invariance of the internal degrees of freedom has logarithmic singularities as the field tends to zero. The logarithms arise from the interference of the two ‘‘Fermi points’’ of the spin-wave spectrum and do not depend on the level splitting scheme. These properties hold for a variety of models, e.g., the SU(N)-invariant Heisenberg chain of spin S=(N-1)/2, the Babujian-Takhtajan model, the N-component fermion gas interacting in one dimension by a repulsive δ-function potential, the N-component supersymmetric t-J model in one dimension, the Gross-Neveu model, and the SU(N) generalization of the Hubbard chain.