Isospin mixing inMg24

We have used the βγ circular polarization correlation technique to measure the isospin-forbidden Fermi matrix element for the β+ decay of Al24 to the 4+ T=1 state in Mg24 at Ex=8.439 MeV. The Al24 activity was produced by bombarding a natural Mg target with 18 MeV protons. The βγ circular polarization correlation was measured using a novel apparatus which featured good energy resolution in both the γ and β arms. The circular polarization sensitive γ-ray detector utilized a transmission-mode Compton polarimeter and a 12.7 cm × 15.2 cm NaI detector. The β detector was a telescope with a 700 μm surface barrier detector and a 5.1 cm × 12.7 cm plastic scintillator. The βγ circular polarization asymmetry à [defined by W(θ, τ)=1+τvcÃcosθ where τ is the photon helicity] was found to be Ã=0.145±0.030. After applying a correction for feeding of the 8.439 MeV state from the analog state this value of à corresponds to a charge dependent matrix element between the 9.5 MeV 4+ T=1 and 8.4 MeV T=0 levels of |4+; 0|HCD|4+; 1|=106±40 keV which is the largest matrix element of HCD ever observed in β decay. For comparison the charge dependent matrix element between the 9.5 MeV state and the 4.1 MeV 4+ state, previously measured in Na24 decays is only 5.4±2.2 keV. Our exceptionally large value occurs because the 9.5 MeV T=1 and 8.4 MeV