The minimal daily requirements for estradiol benzoate given over a period of 15 days to produce withdrawal bleeding was 0.01 mg., 0.02 mg. (3 animals), 0.03 mg. (1 animal), and 0.06 mg. (1 animal). The perineum was sensitive to estrogen since in 3 of the 10 castrate animals a very slight perineal response was elicited in 3 animals after daily treatment with 0.005 mg. of estradiol. In 9 animals there was a slight response following daily inj. of 0.01 mg. and the 10th responded to 0.02 mg. of estradiol. The minimum daily amt. of estrogen necessary to cause a perineal response similar to that produced by the baboon''s ovaries was 0.01 mg. for 1 animal, 0.02 mg. for 2, 0.03 mg. for 2 and 0.04 mg. for 5 animals. Although there are slight individual differences in the amt. of estrogen necessary to produce bleeding, this individual difference is accentuated with respect to the amt. of estrogen necessary to cause optimal perineal turgescence. There can be a marked discrepancy in the amts. of estrogen necessary to cause withdrawal bleeding and optimal perineal turgescence. The amt. of estrogen necessary to cause optimum perineal turgescence in the baboon is a much closer approximation to the amt. of estrogen elaborated normally by the baboon in the 1st half of the cycle than the bleeding threshold values.