A new general method for the assessment of the molecular-weight distribution of polydisperse preparations. Its application to an intestinal epithelial glycoprotein and two dextran samples, and comparison with a monodisperse glycoprotein

A specimen of intestinal glycoprotein isolated from the pig and two samples of dextran, all of which are polydisperse (that is, the preparations may be regarded as consisting of a continuous distribution of molecular weights), have been examined in the ultracentrifuge under meniscus-depletion conditions at equilibrium. They are compared with each other and with a glycoprotein from Cysticercus tenuicollis cyst fluid which is almost monodisperse. The quantity c−⅓(c=concentration) is plotted against ξ (the reduced radius); this plot is linear when the molecular-weight distribution approximates to the ‘most probable’, i.e. when Mn:Mw:Mz: M(z+1)....... is as 1:2:3:4: etc. The use of this plot, and related procedures, to evaluate qualitatively and semi-quantitatively molecular-weight distribution functions where they can be realistically approximated to Schulz distributions is discussed. The theoretical basis is given in an Appendix.