Face Fly: Inhibition of Hatch by Diflubenzuron and Related Analogues13

When mixed sexes of 1-, to 2 day-old adult Musca Autumnalis De Geer were fed diflubenzuron (N-[[ (4-chlorophenyl) amino]carbonyl]-2,6-difluorobenzamide) in a diet or were exposed to diflubenzuron by surface contact, egg hatch was severely inhibited. In 3 treatments, untreated females produced few viable eggs when crossed with treated males. Optimum inhibition of egg hatch occurred when either sex was exposed for 15 min to a surface coated with a diflubenzuron dust (25%-WP). Three closely related analogues of diflubenzuron (AI3-63219, AI3-63220, and AI3-63223) also inhibited hatch but none was significantly better than diflubenzuron.