Absrrucr-We describe an analog VLSI model of the jamming avoidance response (JAR) in the electric fish Eigenmunniu. The 6sh uses the JAR to change the frequency of its electric organ discharge (EOD) so that interfering signals do not impair its ability to detect and locate objects with its electric field. This system, although behaviorally simple, comprises many levels of processing and distributes the computation over a number of locally connected elements. The distributed nature of the com- putation makes analog VLSI technology a good substrate for implementing this model because mismatches in the electronic components are averaged out and are therefore not a problem. We examine the chip's behavior, and compare its data to bio- logical data as a qualitative measure of correctness. By mod- eling the JAR, we hope to gain insight into how we can combine the biological techniques with analog VLSI methods into a more general signal processing system.