Photoregulation of Phytochrome Synthesis in Germinating Embryos ofAvena sativaL.

Hilton, J. R. and Thomas, B. 1987. Photoregulation of phytochrome synthesis in germinating embryos of Avena sativa L.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1704–1712. The effect of light on the accumulation of phytochrome in germinating Avena embryos was determined. A quantitative ELISA using monoclonal antibody AFRC MAC 56 was used to measure specifically type 1 (or dark) phytochrome. A pulse of red light given after 14 h imbibition but prior to the onset of type 1 phytochrome synthesis, strongly inhibited subsequent type 1 phytochrome accumulation. This effect of red light at 14 h was reversible by far-red light indicating the involvement of phytochrome. Red light also inhibited phytochrome synthesis after 18 h and 24 h imbibition but after 24 h, far-red light did not reverse the effect. The effect of red light treatment at 18 h was reversed by giving a pulse of far-red light at any time up to 30 h. Seed germination was not influenced by light under the conditions of these experiments. It is proposed that type 2 (or light) phytochrome may be responsible for photoregulation of type 1 phytochrome synthesis in germinating Avena embryos.