Studies of Male Survivors of Myocardial Infarction

This study examined life expectancy and serum lipids in 120 men with atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. Five-year survival from onset of infarction was 79 per cent. No relationship could be demonstrated between survival and the level of the total serum cholesterol, Std. S f 0-12, 12-20, 20-100, and 100-400 lipoproteins. Survival for patients with an infarct less than 6 months before entry into the study was shorter, despite serum lipid levels the same as the remainder of the group. Although the age of onset of coronary disease is influenced by serum lipid levels, survival subsequent to infarction is not. This paradox suggests that serum lipids affect rate of atherogenesis in the long preclinical stage but in the short clinical stage other factors determine survival.