β+-Delayed-Proton Decay ofMg21

Identified protons with energies from 900 keV to 6.3 MeV have been observed following the positron decay of Mg21. The half-life of Mg21 was measured to be 123.1 ± 3.3 msec, which, combined with previous results, gives a best value of 122.5 ± 2.8 msec. The energies and intensities of the proton groups have been used to determine precise excited state energies in Na21 above 5 MeV and the strength of the preceding β+ transition feeding each level. These data, and the assumption of isospin purity for the lowest T=32 level in Na21, then yield absolute ft values for the beta decay. The Mg21 transition rates compared with the negatron decay rates in its mirror, F21, give (ft)+(ft)=1.10±0.08. All significant particle decays of the lowest T=32 level have been observed, including an upper limit on energetically possible, but unobserved, α decay. The measured transition strengths were compared to recent shell model calculations for β decay in the sd shell.