Models ofη0π0+2γDecay

Recent experimental results on the η0π02γ decay indicate that the branching ratio BΓη(π02γ)Γη(π+πγ) is of the order of (or compatible with) 1. Using the vector-meson-dominant model, we have computed the width and the pion energy spectrum of the η0π02γ decay, using the relevant SU(3)-symmetric coupling constants, including the ωφ mixing hypothesis as given by the static SU(6) theory, which demands Γφ(π0γ)0. We have then studied the effect of varying the mixing angle and the effective coupling constant fφπ0γ around the static SU(6) value over a wide range compatible with the present experimental information, using as input the experimental Γω(π0γ) as before. The model gives B0.331±102 at the static SU(6) value, which increases by a factor of 10 at the mixing angle of 20°. It therefore appears that unless there is a drastic decrease in the experimental branching ratio, the vector-meson-dominant model cannot provide a dominant mechanism for the η0π02γ decay. A remark is also made about the relation between the value of the ωφ mixing angle and the ratios of various observed decay rates. We also study an alternative simple mechanism for the η0π02γ decay which may be suggested by the tadpole model of the electromagnetic mass difference of hadrons. We assume the existence of the I=1, normal 0+ (ηπ) resonance ε, and consider the intermediary of the ε meson η0π0ε0π02γ. Some consequences of this model are discussed.