Intrazelluläre Verteilung von Hexokinase und ATP in der Leber alloxandiabetischer Mäuse

In short term diabetes, the hexokinase activity of liver homogenates and its intracellular distribution are normal. Most of the activity is in the cytoplasm. The concentrations of ATP and ADP and their intracellular distribution in the liver are normal. The mito-chondrial fraction is not decreased in the diabetic liver. The succinate dehydrogenase activity is increased 4 days after the alloxan injection and is normal again after 3 weeks. Mitochondria from diabetic livers exhibit a slightly increased oxygen uptake, but a normal P/O ratio. It is proposed that the inhibition of glucose phosphorylation in diabetes is caused by a disturbance of the further reactions of glucose 6-phos-phate.