A rapid technique is described for the production of a disomic substitution of an alien chromosome for a selected wheat chromosome directly from the amphiploid. Determination of homoeology between the chromosomes involved is a by-product of this technique. The technique involves the production of nullisomic amphiploid from a cross between a wheat monotelosomic and a diploid species and recurrently backcrossing it as a male twice to the monotelosomic. Disomic and ditelosomic substitutions are then selected upon self-pollination. The utility of this technique is shown by producing a large number of disomic and ditelosomic substitutions of an Aegilops longissima chromosome homoeologous to wheat chromosome 6B from two populations of A. longissima. The incorporated A. longissima chromosome was characterized by C-banding and in situ hybridization of an 18S-26S rRNA gene probe. The chromosome differs in C-band pattern from chromosome 6B of ''Chinese Spring'' and does not pair with the 6Bp telosome at metaphase I. It also differs from ''Chinese Spring'' chromosome 6B by having the 18S - 26S rRNA compound locus in the long arm.